
Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Smoked Salmon for Brunch!

I never used to like raw fish.
In fact, the thought of it gave me little shivers as I think of a fish you pull out of the water on your fishing line as you take a bite into the raw flesh. Wow – this blog just got serious. This sounds like a vego’s heaven!
I can’t pinpoint the exact moment when I decided I liked smoked salmon…It may have been the time that I couldn’t understand the obsession behind bagels in Canada, and thus, the ever noticeable “smoked salmon and cream cheese with dill and capers on a bagel” that seemed to shout at me on every menu/bagel place in Canada/America.
I get it. Smoked salmon/cream cheese/dill – It just works. It’s one of those combinations that you can’t get wrong.

I’ve always wanted to have some occasion that calls for finger food so that I can make little savoury pikelets with cream cheese and salmon!
Just looking all cute and fancy.

...Slightly went off on a side-track there… This is the brunch I had on Sunday.
(By the way- there is no better day to have Brunch than on a Sunday – exception being Saturday or a public holiday)

Poached eggs on multigrain toast with balsamic mushrooms, asparagus and smoked salmon!
This would have to be one of my favourite brunch combinations!

After casually eating smoked salmon before lunch, I felt my day needed to be completed with something else equally as classy.
This did not happen.
Thus, the highlight of my day was this brunch.

On another note, Chapels on Whatley in Maylands does a spectacular smoked salmon added to your brunch. Very generous serve of gorgeous fresh smoked salmon. Check out my Chapels on Whatley blog post here!